Wrongful Death

In most instances, a wrongful death claim is filed by either the spouse, children or other family member of the deceased however, in some circumstances, other individuals may be eligible to file a lawsuit.  An example of this may be when another person was heavily dependent on the victim or relied on them for some type of financial or material support.

In the event of a person being fatally injured due to the misconduct of another individual or as a result of a dangerous or defective product malfunctioning, the families and heirs of the deceased may be eligible to file a damages lawsuit against those that may have been responsible for the death.

To succeed in a wrongful death claim, you must prove that the act of the defendant was the primary factor in the death of the victim.  What this means is that the wrongful conduct of the defendant must have created a direct series of events that ultimately resulted in causing the fatal injury to the deceased.

Some of the most dangerous activities that lead to a wrongful death case include:

  • Contractors
  • Faulty products
  • Faulty construction or maintenance

If you have lost a loved one due to the negligence of another person, use our expertise and experience to guide you through this difficult time.

Contact us at (773) 955-0400 today for a free consultation.  We only get paid when we obtain a recovery on your behalf.